EuroForth 2023

Invitation section

Roma, 15.-17. September 2023

The 39th EuroForth conference takes place in Rome/Italy.


Please see the official call for papers for instructions on how to submit papers.

Colosseum / CC BY-SA 2.0 Bert Kaufmann

Colosseum / CC BY-SA 2.0 Bert Kaufmann

The conference will be preceded by the Forth standards meeting which starts on September, 13th.

Both, meeting and conference will be hosted in the Hotel Villa Aricia.

Hotel Villa Aricia

The hotel is near Lago Albano in the south of Rome (see Google Maps) and within walking distance to a train station.

Image: Hotel Villa Aricia

Image: Hotel Room


Forth standard meeting

Wednesday, 13th September 13:00 - Friday, 15th September 12:00

EuroForth conference

Friday, 15th September 13:00 - Sunday, 17th September 12:00

Saturday: Rome excursion

Guided tour for the Arena and underground levels of the Colosseum followed by roaming the Forum Romanum. Those who are still fit can continue to extensivly roam Rome, those who are not can retreat into one of the wonderful cafes. Saturday evening we will all meet up and have our conference dinner. Some impressions:

Colosseum Arena

Image: Jebulon

Forum Romanum

Image: Bert Kaufmann CC BY-SA 2.0

Partner activities

Unfortunately we cannot offer a guided partner track this year. However: our Hotel is next to a train station which allows easy commute in under an hour into Rome's center. We will provide meeting points and times as well as some suggested sites, so you can group up and enjoy the city with fellow Forther's partners.

Venues including but not limited to:



Image: DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0

Trajan's Maket

Trajan's Market

Image: Jebulon




Program section

39th EuroForth 2023


Forth standard meeting

Times are converted to your local timezone indicated by a blue background, if you have javascript enabled (no, this cannot be done server-side).
Otherwise UTC(+0) will be displayed and you have to calculate the offset yourself.

Wednesday, 13th September UTC(+0)

Thursday, 14th September UTC(+0)

Friday, 15th September UTC(+0)

EuroForth conference

on air ... these session are streamed live on twitch, recorded and shared on youtube for future generations to enjoy and to rewatch

Friday, 15th September UTC(+0)

Saturday, 16th September UTC(+0)

Sunday, 17th September UTC(+0)